Some really fun and exciting thoughts while studying for finals:
*Guess the disorder: endothelial injury->platelet adherence->release of "growth factors"
->proliferation of endothelial cells-interior of blood vessel->atheroma-lesion over time
Good job. Yes. Atherosclerosis.
*DASH diet...equally if not more effective than drugs for hypertension. let food be thy medicine.
(Furosemide, no. Fruits/veggies, whole grains, exercise, yes.)
*Fiber recommendation: 20-30g/day...1 apple=3g fiber.
*Physical activity=good. I miss my gym. It flooded.
*Necrosis--> Debride. Debride is a funny word.
*If you can read this, you are too old to be drinking whole milk.
*50% intermediate, 50% short insulin.
*cranberry juice: your kidneys will <3>
*Elemental formula: mo' money.
*don't sit on your rear all day. you might get a bedsore.
*ECF=CBS. clever. Extracellular fluid=chloride, bicarbonate, sodium.