This is one of my faaaaaavorite things to look at ever. It's amazing to see colors
disappear and new colors appear. See where your state stands :)
While BMI can often be inaccurate, it is it quite telling when looking at such a large population.
We all know that obesity is becoming a huge problem in our nation, and across the world. What are we going to do
about it? Here are a few tips that...well they won't make you drop a ton of weight, but they can be helpful when
you're trying for a healthier lifestyle :)
*Wake up with a fruit before/with breakfast, eat fruit as a snack, and have some fruit in the car. Chances are,
when you come to eat your meal, you won't be as hungry because of the fiber in a lot of these fruits.
*Make the switch from soda to water. A lot of people don't notice themselves drinking a meal's worth
of calories! You might consider getting the water flavoring packets. Another option is to stick a
few slices of apple, lemon, or oranges into your water to make it a little tastier.
*Buy a pedometer. This is one thing that will keep you motivated day after day. Try going for 10,000 steps a day,
which (for most people) is around five miles. Even if you're not at the gym ever night, you will be getting some
exercise in your day.
*Be wary of labels that say "sugar-free" or "carb-free." This does NOT mean calorie-free. While other factors like
fat and sugar are VERY important, calories are ultimately what need to be reduced for weight loss.
*When eating out, mentally divide your plate in half before you begin eating. Make sure you are eating appropriate
portion sizes. For meat, it's about the size of the palm of your hand. For cheese, it's about the size of your thumb, which
is about 1 oz. Aim for half of your plate to be vegetables, grilled, sauteed, or fresh.
*Use a smaller plate. People are more likely to fill up their plate and finish what's on it, even after they are full. Using
a smaller plate will make you think twice before going for a second helping!